フラッシュえいご 4巻


1.フラッシュえいご DVD ①(約81分)


  1. I’m going to the park.
  2. Hell! Hi!
  3. What a beautiful day!
  4. What’s your name?
  5. I’m going down the slide.
  6. Look at the pretty flowers.
  7. What are you doing?
  8. I’m watering the flowers.
  9. Where do you live?
  10. Do you know what time it is?
  11. Nice meeting you.

<3ステップ レッスン>

⇒例文・Can I have this cake?
⇒例文・Do you like potatoes?
⇒例文・Show me your hand.
⇒例文・A pair of blue socks.
⇒例文・Camels live in deserts.

⇒例文・Spider hangs on a web.
⇒例文・A chair is for sitting.
⇒例文・Put some water in the glass.
⇒例文・My mom is beautiful.
⇒例文・Here’s a book about Puppy.




2.フラッシュえいご DVD ②(約85分)


  1. Let's make a nice dish!
  2. I hate cutting onions.
  3. It smells good.
  4. Set the table, please.
  5. Chew your food well.
  6. This is tough.
  7. My favorite sunny-side up.
  8. I dropped some.
  9. Bring me some water, please.
  10. May I have some more, please?
  11. I’m finished.

<3ステップ レッスン>

⇒例文・I like bread with jam.
⇒例文・Boil water in a kettle.
⇒例文・Point with your finger.
⇒例文・Brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
⇒例文・A whale is a large fish.

⇒例文・Lavenders are purple.
⇒例文・A circle is round.
⇒例文・The sky is nice and clear.
⇒例文・Drum goes rata-tat-tat.
⇒例文・Grandma wears glasses.




3.フラッシュえいご DVD ③(約90分)


  1. Will you give me a hand?
  2. What happened?
  3. This is my seat.
  4. This is my seat.
  5. I love comics.
  6. Oops, I farted.
  7. I want a hot dog.
  8. My eyes are tired.
  9. What should we do?
  10. Let me try, too.
  11. Look this way.

<3ステップ レッスン>

⇒単語例・hot dog
⇒例文・Would you like a hot dog?
⇒例文・Let’s have pudding for dessert.
⇒例文・Bees make honey.
⇒例文・I want to ride the bus.
⇒単語例・ soccer ball
⇒例文・Can you kick a soccer ball?

⇒例文・Owls can see in the dark.
⇒単語例・eight o’clock
⇒例文・I go to bed at eight o’clock.
⇒例文・Strawberries for cake and jam.
⇒例文・A tulip looks like a cup.
⇒例文・Rainboots for a rainy day.




4.フラッシュえいご CD

フラッシュ えいごDVD1〜3巻のCD版です


